Quiz: How much do you know about hydrogen?

Hydrogen Quiz

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, fueling our sun and all of the stars in the sky – and it also represents a major new export opportunity for Queensland and Australia. But how much do you actually know about hydrogen? Take our quiz to find out!

Q1. In Greek, ‘hydrogen’ means…

Q2. Which element is lighter?

Q3. Renewable hydrogen is produced by passing a strong electrical current through purified water, splitting the water molecules into their constituent elements. What is this process called?

Q4. The constituent elements of water are hydrogen and ______.

Q5. Fossil fuels can be used to produce renewable hydrogen.

Q6. Each kilogram of renewable hydrogen requires roughly how many kilograms of demineralised water to produce?

Q7. Hydrogen electrolysers can be ramped up or down in response to energy market conditions. This is known as…

Q8. For the purposes of transportation and storage, hydrogen can be converted into…

Q9. Renewable hydrogen can be used to…

Q10. Stanwell has formed a consortium to develop Queensland’s largest renewable hydrogen production facility in…

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